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公司简介 DECO-LAND DESIGNING CONSULTANTS, AUSTRALIA于2001年成立于澳大利亚新南威尔士州,是该州新锐的设计公司。该公司工作理念先进、设计成果完美,在澳大利亚、北美、英国和东南亚留下了一批精心设计的作品。 DECO-LAND公司于2001年在深圳设立代表处,与深圳市道克设计咨询有限公司合力开拓中国大陆市场,业务项目现已辐射到全国各地。从2001年至今公司在多次大型设计招标里中标,并在北京、上海、广东(深圳、广州、珠海、东莞、中山)、重庆、浙江、江苏、山东、湖南、湖北等地已有多个建成和在建的工程项目,所设计的住宅楼盘项目都取得极佳的销售业绩。 DECO-LAND 公司的业务项目包括:包含居住区规划、校园规划及城市总体规划在内的规划设计;包含科教建筑、博物馆建筑、球类场馆在内的文化体育建筑设计;包含商贸设施,大型宾馆、综合性医院、综合性广场在内的公共单体建筑设计。其中尤以居住建筑、大型宾馆、文化建筑及商业建筑和景观园林设计为其专长。此外还承担各类建设项目的可行性研究,工程设计咨询以及各类形式的技术合作。 DECO-LAND 的主旨是:从理想把握现实,在现实中调整思想;从广阔的城市视角和特定的城市体验中解读建筑的内涵,秉承了现代主义先驱的设计理念,认为建筑是使生活变得更加美好的动力之一。公司力图通过广泛的实践来发展和完善其理念,每个成员都在以主动参与的心态加入到项目设计中,坚信团队合作的精神将产生***的作品,最终以完善的设计成果展示给业主。 我们的设计成果不仅是一种完善的建筑形式和风格,更是一种对项目完善的解决方案,使普通的开发产生诗意的生活和富有内涵的文化意念,使项目在先进的思想、构思、信念、技术和材料等组织设计中而提升价值。 DECO-LAND DESIGNING CONSULTANTS,AUSTRALIA founded in New South Wales of Australia in 2001,is a rchitectural design consultant in New South Wales. It works with progressional ideas and wonderful production. It has series of sophisticated works in Australia, North American、England and Southeast Asia. DECO-LAND DESIGN CONSULTANTS,AUSTRALIA,setting up its representative offices in Shenzhen in 2001 respectively, is cooperating with Shenzhen Decoland Design company to open up china Mainland market. Since 2001 we have won bids on many large construction projects, which are just completed or under construction in Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangdong Province (Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Dongguan) and Zhejiang ,Jiangsu,Shandong, Hubei, Hunan Province. All of our residential projects proved to enjoy a goodmarket. Our business scope involves: planning including housing estate planning: schools and city planning; cultural and sports buildings design including science and education buildings, museums and ball-playing halls; infrastructure design including shopping facilities, grand hotels, polyclinics and large-scaled squares. In particular we are specialized in design of residential architecture, grant hotel, cultural architecture and commercial architecture and landscape design. We also carry on projects feasibility study and provide consulting service and technologic cooperation in many ways. Trying to strike a balance between the reality and the ideal, we always insist on that architecture is one of the impetuses to better our life, which is the legacy of the Modernism, in our search of the meaning of architecture from a wide range of the civic perspective and specific practice. We are tempting to improve and perfect our firm culture through the joint efforts of the pool of talent; we believe the spirit of team and cooperation will help to satisfactorily tailor our design to the clients need. Our design work is the combination of a unique architectural form and style and innovative solutions to projects, which enrich the value of architecture through advanced ideas, concepts, technology and materials. Better life and meaningful cultural concept are derived from the buildings. 经营范围: 产品介绍 DECO-LAND 公司的业务项目包括:包含居住区规划、校园规划及城市总体规划在内的规划设计;包含科教建筑、博物馆建筑、球类场馆在内的文化体育建筑设计;包含商贸设施,大型宾馆、综合性医院、综合性广场在内的公共单体建筑设计。其中尤以居住建筑、大型宾馆、文化建筑及商业建筑和景观园林设计为其专长。此外还承担各类建设项目的可行性研究,工程设计咨询以及各类形式的技术合作。
  • 所属行业:建筑/建材/工程
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